We have now launched a new service for you in need of a PCR-test results in a hurry! Take an rt-PCR-test to see if you have Covid-19 infection or not, and get the test result after a few hours. Rt-PCR test is used if you need a confirmation that you are not infected with Covid-19 in connection with travel, work or study abroad.
FAST TRACK rt-PCR-test will give you the test results between 1-2 hours depending on the laboratory's capacity (guaranteed time within 2 hours). FAST TRACK rt-PCR test costs NOK 2500 per person, includes Fit to fly certificate. Our certificates are written in English only.
The test result will be uploaded to helsenorge.no if you have a Norwegian social security number or a D-number.
If you find it uncomfortable to get a swap test in either your throat or nose during the covid-19 test, you can now take a saliva sample. This can only be used for Fast Track PCR testing and costs NOK 400 extra. If this is of interest, you can check of the box for this when ordering. Children under the age of 10 will be offered by the doctor on arrival a free saliva sample when ordering a Fast Track PCR test.
Folkehelseinstituttet has opened up the possibilities for saliva testing, you can read more about this here; https://www.fhi.no/nettpub/coronavirus/testing-og-oppfolging-av-smittede/provetaking/
Three easy steps
Price NOK 1800,-
Book now

Take an antigen rapid test with us and get the test result if you have an active covid-19 infection in 15 minutes. Price for antigen quick test is NOK 690, and includes a fit to fly certificate.
The test result will be uploaded on Helsenorge.no if you have a Norwegian social security number or D-number.
Important to know:
In the antigen rapid test, we emphasize whether you have symptoms or not, and have had close contact with someone who has been exposed to covid-19 or not. If the test result does not match the clinical picture, the doctor will make a decision. If the clinical picture does not match the test result, you will receive a free PCR test with express analysis. The test result from the PCR test with express analysis will be ready after 1-2 days. The test result from the PCR test will also be uploaded on Helsenorge.no
The answer for the antigen test is ready after 15 minutes.
The price for an antigen test is NOK 690.
Three easy steps
Price NOK 690,-
Book now
Covid-19 solutions for companies
Oslo Helse has extensive experience in testing for companies that need quick answers when testing personnel and we know the value of fast and safe tests.
Let's have a conversation and we'll find the solution that suits your needs.
We offer testing to companies in 2 different ways:
- Testing at the company / On-site
- Testing at our test clinic in Hegdehaugsveien 36A
Company agreements and discounts
For fixed agreements on screening or for larger volumes, you can get discounts through our company agreement.